Published Studies in PAH

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COMPERA 2.0: A Refined 4-Strata Risk Assessment Model for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension thumbnail

COMPERA 2.0: A Refined 4-Strata Risk Assessment Model for Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionHoeper MM, Pausch C, Olsson KM, et al.
Eur Respir J. 2022;60(1):2102311.

Study Design

  • Analysis of 1655 patients from the COMPERA database to evaluate a modified risk stratification using 4-strata model (COMPERA 2.0) with refined cutoff levels for FC, 6MWD, and BNP/NT-pro-BNP
  • Patients selected in this study were newly diagnosed with any form of PAH and had at least 1 follow-up assessment available

Key Insights

  • Most patients were categorized as intermediate risk with the 3-strata model; this group was further divided into intermediate-low and intermediate-high risk groups according to the 4-strata model
  • Changes in risk from baseline to first follow-up occurred in 49.2% of patients categorized by the 4-strata model, compared with 31.1% with the 3-strata model
  • A 4-strata risk model yielded more nuanced separation and was able to predict differentiated long-term survival compared with the 3-strata model
External Validation of a Refined 4-Strata Risk Assessment Score from The French Pulmonary Hypertension Registry thumbnail

External Validation of a Refined 4-Strata Risk Assessment Score From the French Pulmonary Hypertension RegistryBoucly A, Weatherald J, Savale L, et al.
Eur Respir J. 2022;59(6):2102419.

Study Design

  • Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from 2879 patients with group 1 PAH who were enrolled in the French PAH Registry between 2009 and 2020 to validate a 4-strata risk assessment approach
  • Patients were categorized as low, intermediate-low, intermediate-high, or high risk, per COMPERA Registry investigators

Key Insights

  • The 4-strata approach performed better than a 3-strata method for predicting mortality
  • Applying the 4-strata approach, 53% of patients changed risk category from baseline compared with 39% of patients when using the 3-strata approach
  • In comparison with the 3-strata risk assessment, the 4-strata approach was more sensitive to change, refined risk prediction, and had better survival predictions
Clinical Application of Risk Assessment In PAH: Expert Center APRN Recommendations thumbnail

Clinical Application of Risk Assessment in PAH: Expert Center APRN RecommendationsWilson M, Keeley J, Kingman M, et al.
Pulm Circ. 2022;12(3):e12106.

Study Design

  • Review article on recommendations to overcome barriers for utilizing and implementing risk assessment tools routinely

Key Insights

  • To overcome the challenge of time constraints for implementing risk assessments, use of technology-based solutions (ie, electronic alerts and reminders) is recommended and supporting staff members should be trained to add test results into a risk assessment tool
  • Insufficient awareness and training of risk assessment is another barrier that could be resolved by training providers how to use these tools, educating patients on their results, increasing provider autonomy to allow them to use their clinical judgment to perform a risk assessment, and incorporating telehealth for follow-up visits with an abbreviated risk assessment
The Growing Role of Echocardiography in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Risk Stratification: The Missing Piece article thumbnail

The Growing Role of Echocardiography in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Risk Stratification: The Missing PieceMiotti C, Papa S, Manzi G, et al.
J Clin Med. 2021; 10(4):619.

Study Design

  • Literature review on the use of Echo parameters in PAH and their current and future roles in determining patient prognosis

Key Insights

  • Echo-derived parameters show how a patient’s RV is adapting to increased afterload and can indicate disease progression before worsening symptoms or 6MWD
  • Many Echo parameters have proven to be prognostic in PAH, including right heart reverse remodeling (RHRR), a recently identified key parameter in evaluating a patient’s response to PAH therapy
  • Adding Echo parameters to current risk assessment tools could allow for improved prognostication and optimized therapeutic management
Is your FC II patient low risk article thumbnail

Risk Assessment in Patients With Functional Class II Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Comparison of Physician Gestalt With ESC/ERS and the REVEAL 2.0 Risk ScoreSahay S, Tonelli AR, Selej M, Watson Z, Benza RL.
PLoS One. 2020;15(11):e0241504.

Study Design

  • Retrospective chart analysis of 153 FC II patients on mono- or dual therapy (ERA/PDE-5i)
  • PAH-experienced physicians were surveyed for their gestalt assessment of risk, and then risk was calculated independently using COMPERA, the French Noninvasive method, and REVEAL 2.0

Key Insights

  • More than half of FC II patients were classified as intermediate- or high-risk status when risk was formally calculated
  • Factors that led to incongruent risk assessments included less frequent Echos at follow up, higher physician-reported patient activity level, and HCP-reported patient symptomatic stability
Risk Reduction and Hemodynamics with Initial Combination Therapy in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension article thumbnail

Risk Reduction and Hemodynamics With Initial Combination Therapy in Pulmonary Arterial HypertensionBadagliacca R, D’Alto M, Ghio S, et al.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021;203(4):484-492.

Study Design

  • Retrospective analysis of 181 treatment-naive patients initiated on ERA + PDE-5i therapy who received RHC at baseline and at 6-month follow-up

Key Insights

  • Initial ERA + PDE-5i therapy decreased PVR by an average of 35%, and one-third of patients had a decrease in PVR <25%
  • Low-risk status was achieved or maintained in only 35% of patients according to REVEAL 2.0 scores
  • Patients who were able to achieve low-risk status had greater PVR reductions
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Prediction of Health Quality of Life and Hospitalization in PAH: The Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry (PHAR) article thumbnail

Prediction of Health-Related Quality of Life and Hospitalization in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: The Pulmonary Hypertension Association Registry (PHAR)Min J, Badesch D, Chakinala M, et al.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021;203(6)761-764.

Study Design

  • 869 patients with PAH enrolled in PHAR (2015-2019) were included in analyses to determine if higher risk status was associated with worse HRQoL or increased hospitalizations
  • Risk was calculated using COMPERA and REVEAL 2.0; HRQoL was determined using the Medical Outcome Study Short Form-12 and emPHasis-10

Key Insights

  • Higher risk status was associated with worse disease-specific HRQoL and increased hospitalizations
  • More refined risk stratification with improved risk calculation techniques could allow for targeted strategies to improve HRQoL and reduce hospitalizations
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PAH Assessment of risk: Insights from an International Survey of Clinical Practice article thumbnail

Assessment of Risk of Disease Progression in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Insights From an International Survey of Clinical PracticeSimons JE, Mann EB, Pierozynski A.
Adv Ther. 2019;36(9):2351-2363.

Study Design

  • Chart review of 90 PAH-experienced cardiologists and pulmonologists who managed ≥7 patients with PAH

Key Insights

  • Clinical gestalt and formal risk calculations were compared for 365 patient charts
  • When calculated, risk status aligned with gestalt in less than half (45%) the charts evaluated
  • Of patients assessed to be low risk by gestalt, 80% were assigned to a higher risk category after formal risk assessment
Current Clinical Utilization of Risk Assessment Tools in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Descriptive Survey article thumbnail

Current Clinical Utilization of Risk Assessment Tools in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Descriptive SurveyWilson M, Keeley J, Kingman M, Wang J, et al.
Pulm Circ. 2020;10(3):2045894020950186.

Study Design

  • In 2019, 121 treatment decision makers of the PHA providers’ network were surveyed on their use of risk assessment tools

Key Insights

  • 59% of treatment decision makers reported using formal risk assessment tools
  • Risk tools were most commonly used at the time of diagnosis (54%) and of worsening symptoms (42%)
  • Fewer than 1 in 5 used formal risk tools at all of the following: the time of diagnosis, worsening symptoms, changing medications, repeat Echo, and repeat RHC

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CO=cardiac output; Echo=echocardiogram; ERA=endothelin receptor antagonist; ESC/ERS=European Society of Cardiology/European Respiratory Society; FC=Functional Class; HRQoL=health-related quality of life; PAH=pulmonary arterial hypertension; PDE-5i=phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor; PHA=Pulmonary Hypertension Association; PVR=pulmonary vascular resistance; RHC=right heart catheterization; RV=right ventricle.